High Blood Pressure

By | 9 March 2023

How to Recognize High Blood Pressure and Its Symptoms

High blood pressure is often considered a silent or invisible condition because its symptoms are very mild.

But don’t let this fool you.

Even though it may feel like you don’t have a problem due to this ‘lack’ of symptoms, this doesn’t mean it can’t cause serious damage to your health.

On the contrary, the damage can be quite extensive, especially if you don’t recognize that you have high blood pressure in a timely fashion.

Learning the most common symptoms of high blood pressure can help you identify them more easily when they do make themselves known, which means you can start treatment as early as possible.

What Is High Blood Pressure?

High blood pressure is also called hypertension.

It’s a condition that typically results in damaged or blocked arteries, which reduces how efficiently blood is able to circulate through your body.

With elevated blood pressure, more wear and tear is placed on your arteries and heart.

High blood pressure can be dangerous because it restricts blood and oxygen supply to different parts of your body.

This taxes your body and may lead to organ failure if it’s not appropriately managed, though most cases of hypertension don’t progress this far.

Understanding Blood Pressure

Your blood pressure is a measure of the force with which your blood cells press against the walls of your veins and arteries.

It’s measured as one number over another.

You’ve probably heard your doctor say your blood pressure this way, but you might not have known exactly what it meant.

The first number represents your systolic blood pressure, which is the pressure on your artery walls at the time the heart is contracting and squeezing blood out through the arteries.

The second is your diastolic blood pressure, which measures the pressure when the heart relaxes between beats.

Either number being too high can indicate a problem, but it’s best to find out what the average blood pressure is over a period of time before considering further treatment.

Healthy Blood Pressure Measurements

If your blood pressure doesn’t fall into the healthy range, it needs to be investigated further.

A normal systolic blood pressure reading is 120 mm Hg, while diastolic blood pressure is normally about 80 mm Hg.

Blood pressure is generally considered elevated if it’s above 140 systolic and 90 diastolic.

If your blood pressure reading spikes up to levels of 180 systolic or 120 diastolic, you should seek medical attention right away.

Oftentimes, the best way to know if you have high blood pressure is to test it.

You can purchase a monitor that you can use to measure your blood pressure at home or schedule an annual physical with your regular doctor.

Symptoms of High Blood Pressure

Symptoms aren’t always present when your blood pressure is elevated, but it’s important to pay attention to them when they are.

Keep a lookout for any of the following abnormalities:



More frequent or severe headaches



Rapid heartbeat


Chest pain

Vision problems

Blood in your urine

You’ll notice that many of these symptoms are nonspecific and could apply to a number of different conditions.

This is why it’s so important to have your blood pressure tested so you can know for sure why these issues may be occurring.

High Blood Pressure Treatment for Invisible Symptoms

Many people don’t realize that they have high blood pressure because their symptoms can be overlooked.

They often don’t interfere with normal activity, but the problem is that the high blood pressure is still doing damage to your body.

Even though the symptoms can be somewhat invisible, high blood pressure can have very serious effects.

By the time you begin to notice these effects, often, much damage has already been caused by the ongoing high blood pressure.

Thus, it’s important to do all you can to normalize your blood pressure at an early stage of the diagnosis.

Most routine physicals involve checking your blood pressure.

If your doctor is concerned, don’t ignore it.

Simple lifestyle changes like eating better and getting more exercise can go a long way toward reducing hypertension.

Final Thoughts

Regular check-ups will help to reduce your risk of damage to your body from uncontrolled high blood pressure.

The sooner you make a change to more healthy habits, the sooner you’ll see improvements in your blood pressure.

Over time, you’ll start to feel better too.

The only way to get proper treatment for your high blood pressure is by seeing your doctor or healthcare provider.

Be sure to do your part in identifying whether or not the condition exists.

2. Learn the Most Common High Blood Pressure Complications

Brief high blood pressure spikes aren’t usually anything to get too concerned over, but if your blood pressure remains high for a long time, you may experience some adverse side effects.

Certain resulting issues from ongoing elevated blood pressure can be easily managed.

However, other life-threatening issues can also develop.

Learn about the different health conditions that can occur if high blood pressure causes go untreated for too long.

High Blood Pressure Causes Heart Problems

Heart problems are among the most common results of high blood pressure.

When blood flow to the heart is restricted, it can cause all sorts of problems, including heart disease, heart attacks, and heart failure.

Heart Disease

Heart disease is what causes about one in every four deaths in the United States, making it the leading cause of death.

The most common type is coronary artery disease, but this term also encompasses multiple different conditions that weaken the heart, making it difficult to pump blood throughout the body efficiently.

Heart Attack

Heart attacks may be mild or life-threatening.

They’re usually the result of fatty deposits and plaques building up in your arteries, both of which are highly correlated with heightened blood pressure.

If you experience a tight, painful feeling in your chest, see a doctor right away.

The sooner you get to a medical professional, the better chance you have of a good outcome after a heart attack.

Heart Failure

Heart failure means your heart simply can’t to pump the blood for your whole body on its own efficiently.

The harder your heart has to work due to hypertension, the more the chambers will stiffen and thicken until your heart’s pump grows weaker.

At this point, the condition can no longer be cured, but it can be improved with lifestyle changes and certain procedures which help the heart pump better.

Other Organs and Areas of the Body Affected by High Blood Pressure

Your heart isn’t the only area affected by hypertension.

Other areas that are often hit the hardest are your kidneys, abdomen, and brain.

Kidney Disease

High blood pressure causes kidney disease in many people.

Elevated blood pressure on a constant basis can damage the vessels inside the kidney and make them less efficient.

Extreme kidney damage may lead to kidney failure, in which the kidneys can’t function on their own, and this condition will require dialysis or a kidney transplant.


A stroke can occur when your brain doesn’t get enough blood due to complications of high blood pressure.

Without proper blood flow, the cells in the brain die because they can’t get enough oxygen.

Strokes can often be deadly.

Many people who survive a stroke later find that their cognitive abilities, vision, or movement abilities are impaired, potentially permanently.

Vascular Dementia

Vascular dementia is often caused by a stroke, but there’s a risk of it occurring any time the brain isn’t getting proper blood flow.

It’s a condition that involves difficulty reasoning and focusing in the early stages and trouble remembering past events in the later stages.

Dementia of any kind can be incredibly disruptive and disorienting.

Some limited memory function can be restored with the right medication and treatment regimen, but the condition isn’t reversible.

Final Thoughts

While high blood pressure can lead to certain complications, early treatment of blood pressure can prevent these complications from occurring.

This can be as drastic as starting medication to lower your blood pressure or as simple as using natural methods like dieting and working out to bring your blood pressure back into a usual range.

3. 7 Natural Remedies to Treat Your High Blood Pressure

When you see your doctor about your high blood pressure, they’ll likely prescribe you medications that will help you treat and control your high blood pressure.

However, this isn’t the only way to treat high blood pressure.

You can also use natural remedies and lifestyle modifications such as changes in your diet, exercise, and stress levels to lower your blood pressure and ease your symptoms.

Typically, these methods can be used in conjunction with any of your prescription medications, but you need to inspect the labels to make sure there aren’t any potentially harmful interactions.

When used properly, both medications and lifestyle changes can be quite effective in achieving normal blood pressure.

Natural High Blood Pressure Treatments

Natural high blood pressure treatments can be just as if not more effective than medications.

Adjust these lifestyle factors to improve your overall health and target high blood pressure at the source of the problem.

Work Out Regularly

Exercise gets your blood pumping, so it’s no big surprise that it has a positive effect on blood pressure.

Aerobic and strength training exercises are most effective, so be sure to mix in some dumbbell workouts alongside something fast-paced like jogging, jumping jacks, or swimming.

You have to be consistent with exercise to really enjoy its effects, but luckily, you don’t need to feel the burn every day.

Around 30 minutes of mild exercise each day is enough to support healthy blood pressure.

Improve Your Diet

Cholesterol and saturated fats are two of the biggest dietary contributors to hypertension.

Reduce your consumption of pre-packaged junk food, and instead, eat more whole grains, vegetables, and fruits.

The DASH diet is a fantastic method to ensure your meals won’t contribute to your hypertension.

One easy way you can improve your nutrition is by opting for more whole foods like fresh produce and lean meats.

When eating packaged foods, make sure to always check the labels before buying so you can see how much fat and cholesterol they contain.

Shed Extra Pounds

Obesity is another common contributor to hypertension.

Losing just a few extra pounds can have an incredibly positive impact on your blood pressure.

Managing your weight also makes you less likely to develop sleep apnea, which can make high blood pressure worse.

Stop Smoking and Drinking

Excessive drinking can raise your blood pressure, as can any smoking.

Try to cut out cigarettes entirely since this bad habit can also increase your risk of lung cancer and heart disease.

For alcohol, you can still drink in moderation as long as you don’t overindulge.

Limit yourself to no more than one or two drinks a day to keep your blood pressure in check.

Limit Sodium

Many processed and shelf-stable foods contain lots of salt, which can skyrocket your blood pressure.

Look for low-sodium alternatives, replace added salt when cooking with other spices like garlic powder and sodium-free substitutes, and always read food labels.

If you have hypertension or are at risk of developing the condition, try to keep your sodium intake under about 1,500 mg a day.

Reduce Caffeine

Caffeine can feel like the last bastion between starting your day and going back to bed in the morning, but it’s not a good idea to overindulge, especially if you’re worried about your blood pressure.

Typically, people who drink one or two cups of coffee each day with a few hours in-between don’t have to worry much about caffeine’s effects on their blood pressure.

If you’re not a frequent caffeine drinker or if your daily caffeine consumption pushes double digits, though, you must watch out for potential spikes in your blood pressure.

Practice Stress Relief to Reduce High Blood Pressure

Stress is a natural and sometimes unavoidable part of life, but it’s often bad for your health in more ways than one.

In addition to putting you in a bad mood and making worry and rumination more frequent, a high-stress lifestyle can greatly increase your risk of worsening your hypertension.

You might not be able to reliably reduce how stressed you are at work or from a hectic home life, but you can take time to take breaks when you need them and spend some time relaxing to relieve your mind of your troubles.

A good work-life balance can help you keep your blood pressure in check.

You can also use deep breathing exercises and mindful meditation to alleviate tension in everyday stressful situations.

Final Thoughts

Although medications are quite effective in treating hypertension if your doctor recommends them, they’re not the only way to manage the condition.

They’re often less effective on their own.

Making smart diet, exercise, and other lifestyle choices helps you get your high blood pressure back under control as safely as possible.

4. 6 Types of Medications for Treating High Blood Pressure

Once you’ve been diagnosed with hypertension, your doctor may want to prescribe you medication to bring your high blood pressure to a more manageable level.

It’s important to know what each of these medications does to understand your blood pressure treatment better.

Prescription High Blood Pressure Medications

You’ll need to get a prescription for these medications and have them filled by a pharmacy.

Your doctor will then monitor your blood pressure and keep an eye on any potential side effects before renewing your prescription.

Beta- and Alpha-Blockers

Beta-blockers block the attachment of epinephrine (adrenaline) at the cellular level of blood vessels and heart muscle.

This slows the heart rate, and your blood pressure decreases.

Metoprolol is one of the most commonly prescribed beta-blockers.

Alpha-blockers instead block the attachment of norepinephrine at receptors in blood vessels, relaxing the walls of your arteries and improving blood flow.

They are typically prescribed less often than beta-blockers because they aren’t as effective at reducing your risk of dangerous complications like stroke and heart attacks.

In some cases, doctors will prescribe both alpha- and beta-blockers or a single pill that combines the two effects.

However, these are typically only used if hypertension gets bad enough to be life-threatening, and they’re rarely used as a routine management strategy.


Diuretics increase urine production, which is a natural way for your body to rid itself of excess sodium and water.

They are naturally present in alcohol, caffeine, and certain teas, especially hibiscus tea.

Keep in mind that diuretics can put more strain on your kidneys, which can increase your risk of developing chronic kidney disease.

Avoid them if kidney disease runs in your family or if you have other high-risk factors, especially since hypertension can be a precursor to kidney troubles.

ACE Inhibitors

Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors restrict the production of angiotensin II in your body, which is an enzyme that narrows your blood vessels.

By decreasing angiotensin II levels, normal blood pressure can be achieved.

ACE inhibitors are offered as prescription medications, but they’re also a naturally-occurring effect of certain foods like dairy products and eggs.

Common ACE inhibitor medications include Lisinopril, Enalapril, Captopril, Benazepril, and Univasc.

Beta-blockers, diuretics, and ACE inhibitors can all cause issues with potassium levels.

It’s important to have your potassium monitored when taking these medications.


Vasodilator drugs dilate your blood vessels, which means they widen your veins and arteries.

Blood is able to flow through them more freely, which reduces your blood pressure.

Vasodilators typically have very few side effects, and those that do occur are usually mild.

However, if side effects of feeling light-headed or nauseous remain persistent, you may need a dosage adjustment or an alternative medication.

Calcium Channel Blockers

Calcium can travel across the cell membrane of heart cells and blood vessel cells and cause smooth muscle contraction.

It travels across the cells through channels.

If more calcium travels across the channels, you get stronger smooth muscle contractions in the blood vessel walls causing the vessels to narrow.

Calcium channel blockers prevent the passage of calcium into these muscle cells, which means contractions are not nearly as forceful and the arteries don’t get so narrow.

They lower your blood pressure by widening blood vessels and decreasing your heart rate.

Side effects include headaches, dizziness, swelling in your ankles, and palpitations.

Peripheral Adrenergic Inhibitors

Peripheral adrenergic inhibitors aren’t used very often as a high blood pressure treatment method, but your doctor may prescribe them if other medications haven’t been working well.

Rather than directly affecting your blood vessels, these drugs affect certain neurotransmitters in your brain that are responsible for telling the smooth muscles in your blood vessels to constrict.

Without the constriction signal, blood vessels remain open wide enough for blood cells to pass through easily.

Since peripheral adrenergic inhibitors interact with your neurotransmitters, some have been linked to conditions such as depression or insomnia.

You may also experience lightheadedness and fainting from low blood pressure if the medications’ effects are stronger than anticipated.

Over-the-Counter Medications for High Blood Pressure Treatment

Many people ask if there are any over-the-counter medications for high blood pressure.

There are currently no FDA-approved medications that reduce blood pressure available without a prescription, though some supplements may promise to do so.

Before taking any supplement, speak to your doctor about potential drug interactions and general safety.

Final Thoughts

Medication isn’t the only available high blood pressure treatment.

You can also use natural methods like changing your diet and exercising more to reinforce the positive effects of medications.

When in doubt, discuss your treatment options with your doctor.


5. Lower Your High Blood Pressure With the Healthy DASH Diet

You know that your diet can affect your tendency to develop high blood pressure, but how do you know what’s safe to eat and what you should avoid?

Is there a simple, easy meal plan tailored especially for people worried about their blood pressure?

Say hello to the DASH diet!

With this diet, cutting out foods that contribute to hypertension is easy.

Adjusting your eating habits can lower your blood pressure and significantly reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease, all without having to worry about the side effects of blood pressure medications.

Start eating right and feeling better today!

What Is the DASH Diet?

DASH is short for “dietary approaches to stop hypertension.”

Its primary purpose is to lower your blood pressure, but it’s also great for reducing your risk of heart disease, heart attack, and stroke.

Unlike many other diets you might only stick to for a few weeks while you try to shed some extra pounds, the DASH diet is designed to be a lifelong nutrition plan.

It’s an overall healthier way of eating, not a fad diet you can start and stop in bursts.

The DASH Diet as a High Blood Pressure Treatment

How effective is the DASH diet for managing high blood pressure?

For starters, it’s been ranked as the best overall diet for eight years running by the U.S. News and World Report.

In addition to beating out nearly 40 other diets for general effectiveness, it was also labelled as good as if not more effective for keeping blood pressure under control than many prescription medications.

You might have to give up a few foods you love, as is the case with all diets, but if they’re bad for your heart and your blood pressure, you’re better off leaving them off your plate anyway.

How to Follow the DASH Diet and Manage Your High Blood Pressure

The DASH diet has three main components.

These are moderating portion size, increasing the nutritious value of your meals, and reducing sodium in your diet.

Foods high in potassium, magnesium, and calcium are encouraged, while salty and fatty foods are discouraged.

Keep portions small and always read the labels of anything you pick up in the grocery store, and you should have no trouble at all.

What to Eat

The DASH diet is well-rounded and follows the general food pyramid structure.

It’s high in whole grains and fresh produce, with smaller amounts of dairy and protein.

Whole Grains

At six to eight servings per day, whole grains make up the majority of what you’ll be eating on the DASH diet.

They’re free of saturated fats and generally low in sodium, and you don’t have to worry about the blood glucose spikes that can come from sugary white bread and grains.

Whole wheat bread and pasta, brown rice, oatmeal, quinoa, and other nutritious grains are excellent choices.

Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and especially vegetables are a great choice for any healthy diet, and the DASH diet doesn’t skimp here.

Leafy green vegetables are ideal, but you can also add other fresh or frozen veggies, as well as a few servings of fruit.

Aim for about four to five servings per day.

Low-Fat Dairy

Dairy products like cheese and heavy cream can be very high in fat and aggravate your blood pressure.

Opt for two or three servings of low-fat milk and yogurt instead to get your daily dairy intake.

Nuts and Seeds

The occasional handful of seeds or nuts is a great way to add variety to a DASH diet.

Eat them alone or integrate with a meal—just skip the heavily salted variety.

You can also enjoy a scoop of peanut butter or other nut butters.

Lean Proteins

Lean meats like chicken breast and fish are good heart-healthy choices.

Eggs are also fine in moderation, but you should avoid eating red meat more than once a week and cut out high-sodium meats like ham and jerky entirely.

What to Avoid

There’s plenty to enjoy on the DASH diet, but you’ll want to steer clear of sodium and certain fats.

Saturated and Trans Fats

Not all fats are bad, but saturated and trans fats are among the worst for your overall health.

They’re even worse when you have hypertension, as they can raise your bad cholesterol levels.

The higher your bad cholesterol, the higher your risk of developing plaques in your arteries.

Plaques damage the blood vessels making it harder for your heart to pump blood through your arteries, which raises your blood pressure.

Skip the fried foods and limit saturated fats from butter, fatty meats, and cheese.


The DASH diet is very low in sodium since lots of salt can raise your blood pressure.

Keep your sodium consumption to less than 1,500 mg per day.

Avoid foods high in sodium, especially pre-packaged ones like canned soup, shelf-stable vegetables, and cured meats.

Final Thoughts

Nutrition is just one part of managing high blood pressure, but it’s an incredibly important piece of the puzzle.

Just by making adjustments to what you eat, you can lower your blood pressure and minimize your risk of health issues.


6. Identify and Avoid the Causes of High Blood Pressure

Though it often goes unnoticed, high blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a serious condition.

It can lead to many serious complications, such as increasing your risk of having a heart attack or stroke.

The best way to prevent your blood pressure from getting too high is to understand the most common causes of hypertension and take the appropriate steps to avoid them.

Though this condition is nothing to sneeze at, it’s also entirely manageable and avoidable if you take the right steps to prioritize your health.

This starts with understanding what factors increase your blood pressure.

High Blood Pressure Causes

Hypertension is split into two different types depending on its cause.

Primary hypertension develops slowly over the years.

It doesn’t have a singular cause but, instead, is the product of many lifestyle factors taking their toll on the heart and smooth artery muscles.

Secondary hypertension has a more rapid onset and usually results in higher blood pressure. It’s caused by certain health conditions and medications.

Exercise and Diet

Lifestyle factors like a lack of exercise and a poor diet are top contributors to high blood pressure and related conditions such as heart disease.

Diets high in sodium and saturated fat are especially harmful if you have blood pressure issues.

Living a healthier lifestyle is the best method to reduce risk factors for many dangerous health conditions.

Everyone can benefit from making more nutritious meals and adding routine exercise to their daily habits.

Lots of Stress

A high stress level raises the blood pressure, especially when this stress is sustained for a long time.

At times of high stress, your body produces higher amounts of the hormone epinephrine, also known as adrenaline.

This activates your “fight or flight” response, raising your blood pressure and producing a rapid heart rate.

If stress continues for too long, this can cause lasting damage to your heart and your blood vessels.

Certain Medications

High blood pressure is a frequent medication side effect.

While this is usually only a temporary issue that corrects itself over time, in some cases, it can result in a more permanent form of hypertension.

In addition to some over-the-counter medications, some prescription medications have been linked to high blood pressure.

These include decongestants, oral contraceptive pills, and some cold medications.

Other Diseases and Health Conditions

Many health conditions can increase your risk of developing hypertension.

Some examples are kidney disease, thyroid issues, congenital blood vessel defects, and sleep apnea.

Additionally, any cause of chronic pain can raise your stress levels, which results in heightened blood pressure.

Prevention of High Blood Pressure

For the most part, prevention is similar to the usual high blood pressure treatments.

Since most cases of primary hypertension develop gradually over the years, avoiding unhealthy behaviors is the best way to halt this process.

For secondary hypertension, prevention focuses on treating the underlying condition causing higher blood pressure.

Making Healthier Choices

Avoid consuming too much fat and sodium in your diet.

Skip takeout whenever possible, and opt for home-cooked meals in which you control the exact ingredients.

Be sure to use fresh, healthy components in the preparation of most of your meals.

As for working out, a little bit goes a long way.

As little as 30 minutes of light exercise per day can reduce your average blood pressure significantly and improve your overall well-being.

Try easy cardio exercises like jogging and jumping jacks, or go for strength training workouts.

Avoiding Stress

A good work-life balance is integral to managing your stress levels and keeping control of your high blood pressure.

Take time to relax and cool off after difficult projects at work or big life events, and try to include some relaxing hobbies.

Meditation can also help you alleviate tension effectively.

For a one-two punch, combine exercise and stress relief with mindful workouts like yoga and tai chi.

Getting Routine Medical Care

As the old saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Nowhere is this more true than in the medical field, where preventative care could save your life.

Most regular check-ups involve checking your blood pressure, so be sure to have an annual physical.

If you’re currently experiencing any of the health conditions that increase your risk of developing hypertension, it’s best to address these concerns sooner rather than later.

Speak with your doctor about the best preventative strategy for you.

Final Thoughts

The more proactive you are about addressing higher than average blood pressure, the more effective your preventative measures will be.

If you have any high-risk factors, it’s especially important for you to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

This means cutting back on stress, eating right, and staying active, as well as getting routine medical care and monitoring your blood pressure.

With careful management of your health, you can keep high blood pressure from harming your well-being.


7. How High Blood Pressure Affects Your Body and Organ Health

Many people may know they have high blood pressure, but they disregard the danger.

They don’t think it’s a big deal, and this attitude will not serve them well when they later discover that hypertension has taken its toll on their body.

Without proper blood circulation, damage accumulates in your organs and other parts of your body, all of which rely on blood flow to function properly.

High Blood Pressure and Your Body

High blood pressure can negatively impact nearly all parts of your body.

This includes everything from your heart and arteries to your kidneys, eyes, and even your brain.

Artery Damage

High blood pressure damages the muscles in the walls of your arteries.

It also narrows your arteries and makes them more susceptible to plaque build-up.

Eventually, blood won’t be able to easily pass through them, which means your other organs won’t get the blood and oxygen they need.

In many cases, continued forceful pressure on your artery walls from hypertension results in coronary artery disease.

Heart Health

Your arteries and veins are responsible for bringing blood to and from your heart.

If you damage them, your heart might not get the oxygen it needs to function properly, which can accelerate heart disease.

Additionally, high blood pressure means your heart has to pump harder to circulate your blood.

This puts a lot of strain on it, eventually decreasing its efficiency even as your heart gets larger.

If this is left unchecked for a long time, it can lead to heart failure.

Kidney Disease

Hypertension is one of the leading causes of chronic kidney disease.

Without proper blood flow, your kidneys have to strain to maintain their regular function.

Over time, they’ll become less efficient, just like your heart.

Another common outcome is kidney scarring, which is when certain kidney blood vessels no longer function.

This is known as glomerulosclerosis.

Your body may lose protein more rapidly, and this can often lead to swelling and eventually end-stage renal disease.

Diseased kidneys have more trouble eliminating salt, excess minerals, and other waste from your body, which causes a build-up of these materials in your blood.

Eventually, they may become so damaged that kidney failure results.

Brain Function

Hypertension can interfere with regular brain function as well.

Your brain needs good blood flow.

Without it, your whole body is at risk of shutting down.

High blood pressure makes you significantly more likely to have a stroke, which can result from damaged and blocked blood vessels.

It may also increase your risk of TIAs (Transient Ischemic Attacks) or ‘ministrokes,’ which mimic strokes, but often, no actual damage to the brain occurs.

TIAs often predate the real thing.

In some cases, very high blood pressure maintained for a long period can interfere with your regular cognitive function.

You may experience memory issues and have more trouble focusing, and this condition can progress to vascular dementia if left untreated.

Vision Damage

You might not think of your eyes when you think of parts of your body that would be impacted by hypertension, but they’re susceptible nonetheless.

There are very small blood vessels in your eyes, and they’re fairly delicate, which means they’re at a higher risk of being damaged.

You might experience fluid build-up under your retina, damage to your optic nerve, or retina damage, especially if you also suffer from diabetes.

These conditions can cause blurry or distorted vision.

Prevention Through Addressing High Blood Pressure Causes

The most effective way to reduce the risks associated with high blood pressure isn’t to manage the symptoms but instead to address the causes.

While some medications and procedures might help you stall kidney damage or improve the function of your heart, the real problem is your high blood pressure.

Unless you control the blood pressure, the other problems only get worse.

Common high blood pressure causes include not being physically active, undergoing extended periods of stress, and eating foods with high salt content or saturated fats.

Making adjustments to these areas of your life can help prevent further organ damage and alleviate any painful or uncomfortable symptoms.

Final Thoughts

Every system in your body is interconnected to many other areas.

What affects one organ often affects another, and your entire body is especially susceptible to cardiovascular disruptions.

It’s important to remember that high blood pressure is never a single problem.

It is also the cause of numerous different diseases and conditions, many of which can detract from your quality of life.

Even if you don’t have symptoms from hypertension, the effects of its damage will make themselves known sooner or later unless you take steps to lower your blood pressure from the start.


8. Know the Risks of High Blood Pressure During Pregnancy

As a soon-to-be parent, whether having their first child or their fifth, the desire is always to experience the healthiest pregnancy possible.

However, health concerns like high blood pressure, also known as hypertension, can pose significant risks.

Hypertension increases the risk of developing certain pregnancy complications, especially if these issues are left untreated.

Understanding the relationship between high blood pressure and fetal health will help keep both mother and child as safe as possible during pregnancy.

Complications of High Blood Pressure During Pregnancy

High blood pressure can have many complications during pregnancy for both mother and child.

If the mother has a previous existence of hypertension prior to pregnancy or develops it during the pregnancy, it’s important to pay close attention to blood pressure and symptoms.

It’s best to keep all regular appointments with the obstetrician such that they can monitor the health of mother and child very closely.

Gestational Hypertension

Blood pressure may rise during pregnancy, especially after 20 weeks.

This is known as gestational hypertension.

People with gestational hypertension typically don’t experience any of the organ damage that may result from long-term hypertension.

The reason is that gestational hypertension is usually temporary.

Gestational hypertension may simply improve, but it does have the risk of developing into preeclampsia.


Preeclampsia is a serious complication that can develop in pregnant mothers who have gestational hypertension.

An increased protein level in the urine is a typical indicator of preeclampsia.

In the condition of preeclampsia, high blood pressure has progressed to the point where it’s doing damage to vital organs like your kidneys, liver, and brain.

This damage can be reversed, but only through careful management and the use of high blood pressure treatment methods.

If untreated, preeclampsia can progress to a more dangerous condition, eclampsia.


During eclampsia, damaged blood vessels prevent proper blood flow throughout the body.

This can lead to conditions affecting the brain, such as seizure, coma, or even stroke.

Eclampsia is a very serious condition that endangers both the mother and baby.

Medical treatment is life-saving.

That said, not every case of preeclampsia develops into eclampsia.

Signs of eclampsia include abnormally high blood pressure spikes, abdominal pain, headaches, and visual changes.

The chances of developing this condition are increased in pregnant patients younger than age 18 or older than age 35, in twin (or other multiple) pregnancies, or in people with diabetes.

Risks To The Baby

Hypertension doesn’t just pose a health risk for the mother.

It can also interfere with the natural healthy development of the baby.

The risks to the baby’s health include low birth weight, placental abruption, and preterm delivery.

Low Birth Weight

More severe and long-lasting cases of high blood pressure can result in the baby being born a few pounds underweight, even if they are born right on time.

This is because a restricted blood flow can limit the amount of blood reaching the placenta, which, in turn, means the baby isn’t getting all the nutrients that would normally be available to them.

They may also have slowed growth because the lack of nutrients leads to slower fetal development.

This is a bigger problem during the earliest stages of development when most cell replication is occurring.

Placental Abruption

During pregnancy, the placenta is attached to the uterine wall.

Very high blood pressure can cause a placental abruption, which is when the placenta prematurely detaches from the uterine wall.

Abruption may be partial with only minor bleeding, or it may involve the placenta separating from the uterus entirely.

This is a very rare circumstance, but if it does happen, it means that the baby is no longer getting the nutrients and oxygen they need.

This is an emergent condition requiring immediate delivery of the baby.

Preterm Delivery

Premature birth may occur as a direct result of preeclampsia, or labor may need to be induced earlier than anticipated due to other complications during pregnancy related to high blood pressure.

Premature babies may need to spend additional time in the hospital, and they have a higher risk of developing some health complications.

However, many premature babies also enjoy a long and healthy life with no noticeable health issues after a few months.

Pregnancy-Friendly High Blood Pressure Treatment

Some blood pressure medications are okay to take while pregnant, but others may not be.

The mother should read the labels and be aware of all health warnings for any medications that are taken during pregnancy, and discuss these risks with the obstetrician.

Of course, natural treatment methods like adjusting your diet and exercise routine may be helpful in the case of gestational hypertension, but these methods should be discussed with the obstetrician.

Final Thoughts

If high blood pressure is a concern after becoming pregnant, don’t delay in seeking medical care.

It’s best to get the safest care possible during pregnancy.


9. Modern Advances in New High Blood Pressure Treatments

Standard high blood pressure treatments include routine exercise, medication, stress management, and proper nutrition.

While these methods are by no means outdated and are often still a part of comprehensive health management, additional medicinal treatment is often necessary to achieve optimum improvement.

Researchers and healthcare practitioners are always looking for new ways to expand our knowledge of hypertension and what we can do to prevent it.

Advancements in how we treat it have followed, especially since the demand for these treatments has only grown over the years.

The Growing Need for High Blood Pressure Treatments

The prevalence of high blood pressure in the general population is certainly going to continue.

Not only is it the current greatest contributor to disease globally, but the number of people affected by it has only increased in previous years.

There are many possible reasons for this.

One might be the overreliance on cheap, quick meals that are high in all the compounds that can raise your blood pressure.

It may also be a result of the average person’s life being busier and more stressful or simply a result of genetic predispositions.

Most likely, it is a combination of many different factors.

Either way, the need for effective high blood pressure treatment and prevention is greater than ever, which has fueled many different studies and resulting discoveries.

Modern Advancements

A good diet and plenty of exercise are as reliable for reducing blood pressure as ever.

However, these may not always be enough on their own.

Most modern advancements have focused on improving the effectiveness of blood pressure medications as well as reducing any harmful side effects.

This has led to new developments in drug therapies.

Combined Medication Therapy

Some medications that work just well enough on their own may become even more effective when combined with another drug.

Such is the case for beta-blockers and vasodilators, both of which have been used to treat high blood pressure before but which weren’t commonly combined until very recently.

The main goal of beta-blockers is to limit your body’s ability to access the hormone epinephrine, or adrenaline.

When you’re startled, stressed, or angry, your body produces adrenaline, which, in turn, raises your blood pressure.

While this is great if you’re a caveman facing down a dangerous animal, it’s not so good if you have constant stress from your day job, which is why epinephrine needs to be restricted.

Vasodilators, on the other hand, directly target your blood vessels.

They have a dilating effect, which means blood vessels widen, and blood can pass through them more easily.

When beta-blockers and vasodilators are combined in a safe ratio, the widened blood pathways, and greatly reduced adrenaline levels keep your blood pressure under better control than either drug could accomplish on its own.

The Triple Pill

One of the most recent developments in managing blood pressure comes in the form of the triple pill, which began its development in 2018.

This pill combines low doses of three different types of antihypertensive medications in an attempt to improve effectiveness and reduce the frequency of harmful side effects from blood pressure pills.

The triple pill formulation includes an angiotensin II receptor antagonist, a diuretic, and a calcium channel blocker.

Each plays a role in facilitating normal blood flow.

The angiotensin II receptor antagonist prevents the cells in the smooth muscles of your blood vessels from utilizing angiotensin II.

Since this hormone typically restricts blood flow, restricting its uptake prevents arteries from constricting and keeps blood moving.

Diuretics increase urination frequency, which is a natural way for your body to rid itself of excess sodium and fluid that could be contributing to high blood pressure.

Finally, the calcium channel blocker assists in relaxing blood vessels and promoting normal blood flow.

When combined, the triple pill may have a significant ability to lower blood pressure without overtaxing the body.

New Antihypertensive Drugs

There are already quite a few different drugs used to treat hypertension, but recent developments have introduced a new selection of medications that might be more effective or cause fewer side effects for different people.

These include monatepil, imidazolines, and vasopeptidase inhibitors.

Monatepil is both a calcium channel blocker and an alpha one blocker.

This dual-action works to decrease contraction at the blood vessel smooth muscle, which makes it a somewhat more effective antihypertensive than prior medications.

Monatepil may also have fewer related side effects and be more tolerable to different people.

Imidazolines work on special central receptors to decrease vascular tone and can assist in blood pressure regulation.

These new medications are a popular area of research and look to be especially useful in cardiovascular treatment.

Vasopeptidase inhibitors prevent blood vessels from constricting via the blockade of angiotensin II.

They have also been indicated to be very useful in the treatment of heart failure.

These new antihypertensive drugs have already shown great promise in combating high blood pressure and related conditions, and there will doubtless be many more developments that follow in the coming years.

Final Thoughts

Our knowledge of our bodies and how we can best take care of them is always expanding.

Alongside this will come breakthroughs that make it even easier to bring high blood pressure back down to a healthy level with as few side effects as possible.


10. Stroke: Causes, Prevention, and Managing High Blood Pressure

A stroke is a serious and often life-threatening event where blood flow to the brain is cut off.

It can leave you with permanent impairments to your memory, cognitive abilities, speech, sight, facial control, and ability to move extremities.

While a stroke may seem to appear with no prior warning, it’s often the result of many unseen factors lurking under the surface that have been damaging your arteries and blood vessels for years.

One major cause is high blood pressure, which can significantly restrict blood flow to the brain.

Your risk of a stroke may also increase if you don’t properly take care of your health or if you have heart disease or diabetes.

Understanding the potential causes of a stroke can help you manage your risk factors.

Stroke Causes

Strokes occur as a result of two primary causes in your body, both of which limit the amount of blood reaching your brain.

Your blood vessels may be blocked, limiting blood flow, or they may rupture, cutting it off entirely.

Ischemic Stroke

Ischemic strokes are more common, making up about 87% of all cases.

In an ischemic stroke, the blood vessels in the brain become clogged with blood clots and fatty deposits, causing decreased flow or complete blockage.

The brain receives a very limited amount of blood and can no longer properly function.

Smoking and high cholesterol are significant contributors to blocked and narrow blood vessels.

Hemorrhagic Strokes

Hemorrhages occur when blood vessels rupture or when blood vessels leak.

This leads to bleeding inside the brain and a lack of blood flow to brain cells and nerve cells.

Uncontrolled high blood pressure is a leading cause of hemorrhagic stroke.

Preventative measures to control certain health conditions and lifestyle factors can greatly reduce your risk of any type of stroke.

Health Condition Factors

Various health conditions can increase your likelihood of having a stroke.

The most notable is high blood pressure since it puts more strain on your heart and encourages narrowing and plaque build-up in your arteries.

Conditions like high cholesterol and diabetes have also been linked to a heightened risk of stroke, as has cardiovascular disease.

Strokes may also have a genetic component, so a long family history of strokes can also put you at higher risk.

While you can’t fix your genes, you can participate in routine medical check-ups and make healthy lifestyle choices.

Lifestyle Factors

Diet and exercise are as important to keeping you healthy as ever.

A diet high in saturated fats and bad cholesterol can damage your blood vessels and lead to obesity.

It is super important to have exercise as a regular lifestyle feature in order to decrease your stroke risk.

Smoking and heavy drinking should be avoided as well, especially if you have other risk factors.

Reduce Stroke Risk Through High Blood Pressure Treatment

Since hypertension is often a precursor to a stroke, medical professionals often recommend common high blood pressure treatments to reduce your risk.

These methods can improve the health of your arteries and blood vessels over time.

Frequent Exercise

Working out is always a healthy choice, but it’s especially important if you want to avoid hypertension.

In addition to lowering your blood pressure, exercise has many other benefits like strengthening your heart and increasing the amount of good cholesterol in your body.

It’s also a great way to reduce stress, manage your weight, and just feel better.

Limit Fats and Sodium

Not only do diets high in saturated fats contribute to high blood pressure, but they also increase fatty build-up in blood vessels that can restrict blood flow.

Add to this that many fatty foods are also heavily processed with lots of salt, and it’s no wonder why a poor diet can greatly increase the likelihood you’ll have a stroke or develop heart disease.

One method for cutting back on these harmful foods is to follow the DASH diet, which is specifically geared toward managing hypertension.

It prioritizes whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean, heart-healthy proteins.

Avoid Harmful Substances

Smoking, drinking, and taking drugs like methamphetamine and cocaine can all negatively impact your blood pressure and increase your risk of having a stroke.

Trying to moderate your drinking to certain occasions and cutting out cigarettes and drugs entirely is the best plan.

Final Thoughts

Strokes can be deadly or extremely debilitating, and they can leave you with long-lasting effects on your health.

It’s important to moderate your lifestyle and monitor your blood pressure so you can keep your risk as low as possible.

Make these changes in your daily plans, and you can live a long and healthy life


Category: Health And Fitness Tips

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Welcome to my blog site on Health and fitness. I am not a fitness guru, just an ordinary person who, after a bout of bad health realised that there is huge benefits to becoming and staying healthy. Follow along as i go about putting together the best advice and tips that i can give you. You never know we might become friends! Your tips and comments most welcome either on the contact page or direct into the comments section. Stay healthy!