Mens health and fitness tips
Essential Vitamins and Minerals for Men
The importance of eating a healthy, balanced diet cannot be overemphasized. Choosing whole foods over processed foods is one of the wisest decisions you can ever make in your life. However, even if you eat whole foods every day, you still have to make sure you are getting all the essential nutrients you need.
We’ve listed five essential vitamins and minerals that men need to make sure they get in their daily diet or through supplementation if required.
Vitamin D
This vitamin is crucial for the production of testosterone and helps maintain strong bones. It is important for moods, improved brain health, and in regulating blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Vitamin D also helps to reduce inflammation.
Men who lack vitamin D are up to 80 percent more at risk of suffering from a stroke or heart attack. They are also more likely to suffer from low libido, low metabolism, fatigue and sleep apnea.
Men up to 50 years of age need to have 1,000 IU of vitamin D each day. It is easy to get this amount if you get enough sun exposure each day. However, if you don’t, make sure you obtain this nutrient from dietary sources.
Add eggs, salmon, beef liver, sardines and mushrooms to your diet as they are all good sources of vitamin D.
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 is important for healthy nerve function, and for men, it plays a critical role in the development and production of sperm, and sperm motility. Men who have a vitamin B12 deficiency are more likely to suffer from numbness, poor reflexes, tingling, fatigue, and confusion. Not having enough of this vitamin may also lead to an increase in homocysteine levels, which also increases the risk of heart attack. Furthermore, a deficiency of this vitamin may also trigger the onset of depression and a loss of libido.
Beef liver, sardines, cottage cheese, eggs, and wild-caught salmon are a few dietary sources of vitamin B12.
Vitamin K
Vitamin K is known for its role in blood clotting and bone building. Research shows that vitamin K is beneficial in lowering the mortality rate through cardiovascular disease or stroke. Vitamin K has also been found to have a unique ability to trigger the activation of proteins that help reduce the risk of cancer, atherosclerosis, diabetes, and osteoporosis.
Kale, spring onions, brussels sprouts, eggs, and cabbage are some of the most sources of vitamin K.
Every organ of the human body needs magnesium for it to function at its best. Although many know of its importance for bone and heart health, the benefits of magnesium are so much more. Magnesium plays a role in more than 300 biochemical reactions inside the body. It supports the immune system, muscle and nerve functions, and brain health.
It is also important in the process of moving electrolytes into and out of each cell in the body. Muscle spasms, fatigue, poor memory, loss of appetite and dizziness are some of the signs and symptoms of a magnesium deficiency.
Adult males are required to take 400 to 420 milligrams of magnesium each day. This is made possible by eating foods high in magnesium content such as almonds, avocados, brown rice, cashews, quinoa, and peanuts.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
The brain needs omega–3 fatty acids to function properly as they serve as the structural material for the brain’s nerve cells. Omega–3s are classified as nootropics, which serve to improve cognition and memory.
However, the body cannot produce these essential fats on its own. Thus, the need to obtain them from dietary sources and supplements is necessary.
Your immune system, joints, and heart will also benefit from omega–3 fatty acids. They help keep triglyceride levels within healthy levels; they make sure your arteries don’t build up plaque and help ensure your heart is well cared for.
Salmon fish oil, cod liver oil, walnuts, chia seeds, Atlantic mackerel, and egg yolks are good sources of omega–3 fatty acids. If you don’t get enough in your diet, there are plenty of fish oil supplements you can use.
Low Testosterone Levels In Men
Testosterone is a hormone that is also referred to as the “main male hormone” and is produced in the testes. It is responsible for a man’s muscle growth and the development of body hair. It is also the main hormone that deepens a man’s voice and boosts the size of his testes and penis.
As a man reaches adulthood, testosterone helps keep his bones and muscles strong while also maintaining his desire for sex. This hormone is also very important for the production of sperm cells. Testosterone is what basically makes ‘a man a man’ physically.
If a male individual has low levels of testosterone, he may be at a greater risk of being infertile.
What Happens When Testosterone Levels Decrease?
One common issue that male individuals face is the decrease in testosterone levelsas they age. If testosterone production drastically ceases or decreases, a man may experience several symptoms.
The signs and symptoms of low testosterone can be subtle, and often they are mistaken as a normal part of being an aged individual. Men are diagnosed with low testosterone if their production drops below 300 nanograms per deciliter. Iftestosterone levels become too low for the body, the following can be experienced.
When testosterone levels go down, a man’s libido may follow suit. Although many people experience a decline in their libido as they age, men with low testosterone levels experience a faster decline in their sex drive.
A study revealed that men diagnosed with low testosterone face a higher risk of suffering from clinical depression.
Some men complain about having low levels of energy and blame it on too much work or not enough sleep. However, experts say that low energy levels can also be caused by having low levels of testosterone. Men diagnosed with low testosterone may find themselves experiencing extreme fatigue and a drastic drop in their energy levels.
Testosterone plays an essential role in a man’s bone strength. Therefore, if you notice that your height is decreasing, you may want to get your testosterone levels checked.
Many people know women shrink in height if they have osteoporosis. However, studies have shown that low testosterone levels can also lead to decreased bone mass, which can also increase the risk of bone fractures in men.
Low levels of testosterone may also lead to the difficulty stimulating the receptors in the brain that signal the production of nitric oxide, which is a molecule that triggers a man to achieve an erection. If left unchecked, this condition may lead to erectile dysfunction.
Testosterone is also crucial for hair production. People who have low testosterone may also experience thinning hair on their body and facial area. Although there are many causes of hair loss and hair thinning among men, one that is caused by low testosterone levels is referred to as androgenetic alopecia
Foods to Boost Men’s Health
There are foods that men can include in their diet that actually boost their health, by helping prevent cognitive impairment, prostate cancer, erectile dysfunction, and more. Here is a list of foods that you can start including in your diet for optimum health.
Bananas are great for a quick energy boost and they contain lots of potassium. This mineral is essential in regulating nerve function and blood pressure. As it contains potassium, it helps regulate blood pressure, lowering your risk of stroke.
Fatty Fish – Omega 3’s
Research shows that men in Iceland live longer than any other individuals anywhere on earth. Their average lifespan is 78.7 years. Icelandic natives say the secret is in their Viking blood, however, what’s really in their blood that lengthens their lifespan? The secret is in their diet.
People in Iceland have been found to consume more ‘fatty’ fish than any other country in the world. Icelandic people eat fatty fish most days of the week and fatty fish are an excellent source of omega 3 fatty acids.
Omega 3 fatty acids boosts heart health and is also important for better circulation and an improved immune system. Other good sources of omega 3 fatty acids are walnuts, flax seeds, canola oil and eggs.
Omega 3 fatty acids will help reduce risk of developing type 2 diabetes, cancer, bone disease and blood pressure. It is best to consume 3 to 6 ounces of fatty fish at a minimum, three times per week.
What makes fatty fish another important addition for boosting men’s health is that it aids in the development of high–quality sperm. It is also important for arterial health to improve blood flow. Plus, omega three fatty acids help increase the levels of dopamine that is also needed for a healthy libido.
These green leafy vegetables are rich sources of magnesium, which is a mineral that is essential for helping blood vessels dilate. This translates to improved blood flow to the genitals and improved arousal.
Spinach and other leafy green vegetables also contain folate, which is another nutrient important for improved sexual, and reproductive health. Folate works to reduce the levels of homocysteine in the blood. This homocysteine is known to be an irritant to the lining of the arteries which makes plaques more likely to accumulate.
However, you need to consume lots of spinach and other green leafy vegetables every day to get enough of the magnesium that your body needs. This is especially crucial to men who regularly work out at the gym or have physically demanding jobs. Intensive exercise causes the body to lose fluids, electrolytes, andmagnesium.
Men lacking in magnesium are more likely to experience slow recovery from workouts and should therefore up their magnesium intake, by supplementation if necessary.
Broccoli belongs to the list of cruciferous vegetables that are beneficial for reducing the risk of cancer and heart disease. Broccoli is a powerhouse of vitamin C, potassium, beta-carotene and sulforaphane.
Sulforaphane is known to help lower the risk of prostate and colon cancer. Eating broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables regularly can also help in lowering the levels of homocysteine in the blood.
Eating a few oysters a day provides you with most of your daily zinc requirement. This mineral has anti-cancer benefits as it guards the body against cellular damage,which may increase a man’s risk for prostate cancer.
Zinc is important for hundreds of processes that take place in the body. For example, it has a role in DNA production and cell repair. It also plays a crucial role in male sexual health as it helps boost sperm count.
Men who are deficient in zinc have been found to have impaired motility and reduced numbers of sperm. One study had young male volunteers who consumed only 10 percent of their daily zinc requirement. The results showed that being deficient in zinc, even for just a short period, can lead to significant changes in sperm quantity and composition. This is why many experts believe that a zinc deficiency may contribute to reduced fertility.
Brazil Nuts
Brazil nuts are packed with selenium which works in reducing your risk of prostate cancer and heart disease. Selenium enables the body to produce glutathione peroxidase within the cells. Glutathione peroxidase plays a crucial role in cellular detoxification. This means that with the help of Glutathione peroxidase, the body will be able to convert toxins into less harmful byproducts that are easier to eliminate.
Regular consumption of brazil nuts also provides another bonus for men. Experts have deemed the selenium content in the nuts as being a natural testosterone enhancer.
Note that you don’t have to consume a bag full of Brazil nuts every day. Eating just one or two pieces a day is enough to give you your daily needed intake of selenium