Ways to help boost your weight loss

By | 16 March 2022

Ways to help boost your weight loss

31. Drink Coffee (Black Only!)

Coffee, on its own, is actually a fairly diet friendly drink. Without sugar or milk, it is low in calories and can give your metabolism a boost to get going in the morning. So, don’t be afraid to occasionally (or even daily) indulge in your coffee habit, just make sure it’s limited to one cup, and that you drink it black, with no sugar, or artificial sweeteners.

32. Take Screen Breaks

Even if you can’t fully get rid of the screen technology in your life, try to schedule your day to include frequent breaks away from the screen. If you can exercise during these breaks, that’s even better! The Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology recommends trying to fit in one two-minute break after every hour of screen time. If your job doesn’t leave you many excuses to walk around, even just standing up and doing two minutes of yoga stretches can help in getting your blood moving.

33. Consider Intermittent Fasting

In recent year, intermittent fasting has risen to prominence as an extremely viable weight loss tool. It isn’t for everyone though. Before you dive in, look into the details of intermittent fasting, and some of the different types which may work for you.

If you do decide to try it out, make sure you are in tune with your body as you go along. Experts recommend either fasting for two full days a week (which can be quite challenging) or only eating for eight hours a day while fasting for the other sixteen hours each day.

34. Watch Alcohol Intake

Not only is alcohol bad for your liver, but it can also be full of calories and sugars which can further inhibit your weight loss journey. If you must drink, stick to one glass of wine a day, and make sure it is only five ounces. But of course, the best practice recommended by nutritionists is not to drink at all!

35. Stretch Daily

As you get older, you become more prone to exercise, and daily activity, -based injuries. Stop these from occurring by preparing your body in advance, by engaging in activities like yoga. Yoga has a wide range of benefits, beyond just keeping you limber, it can also increase core strength, reduce stress, and improve circulation.
And get this, if you struggle with sleeping, yoga has been known to help with that too! Grab a mat, and join a local class, or even spend time just following yoga videos on YouTube, you may just be surprised at how much better you feel!

36. Check Your Thermostat

You may be stunned to find out that you can increase your daily fat burning just by turning down your thermostat! A new study published in Diabetes, actually found that living in a house slightly cooler than what is comfortable, causes the generation of more of the healthy fat (brown fat) which is found in humans. These benefits are further enhanced when you sleep, so save a little money, and turn the heat down a few degrees in those chilly winter months.

37. Eat Your Vegetables First

In France, for school lunches, the vegetables are always served first. This is because you tend to eat more of a food, more quickly, when you are hungry. Vegetables are naturally low in calories and high in fiber, so eating them first will help you feel fuller without filling you out! And you’ll likely be able to pass on the less healthy foods served later!

38. Don’t Forget Strength Training

Even though cardio and yoga are important, it’s still critical that you engage in some form of strength training. This will help protect your muscles and joints from exercise injuries, and other damage as you age.

Make sure the strength training you engage in is proper for you age and level of physicality, and never try to lift something that may be too heavy for you—as this can cause more damage to your body than benefits.

39. Be Consistent With Yourself

Lots of people who diet have these things called “cheat days” but part of being successful with a diet, is being able to maintain it consistently. In the case of “cheat days” even if you only have one, once a week, it could still set you back an entire week in calories, and it could make it harder to get back on your diet the next day. Instead of planning cheat days, or cheat meals, design a diet plan which works for you that you can be consistent with. This way you won’t have to plan days to break your diet.

40. Spend Some Time Each Day Visualising

Visualising yourself achieving your dreams has actually been shown to help people actually achieve their dreams better than those who don’t spend time visualising. Make time every day to meditate, picturing how you want to look, how much weight you want to lose, and more importantly, how you will get there.

Besides just helping you achieve goals; meditation has also shown to help with stress management. Even if meditating is not quite your thing, consider creating a vision board and spending some time each day referencing it, as this will help keep you on path and focused on your ultimate goal.

Final Thoughts

Overall i know losing weight is extremely difficult, if it were easy everyone would simply already be at their goal weight. No matter what your goal weight may be, set a goal, and stick to it, don’t let foods, or people, lead you astray.

If you find yourself struggling with weight loss, reference back to this list and consider implementing some of these easy boosts into your journey. If you find a way to apply them all to your life, well, you’ll probably find yourself at your goal weight in no time at all.

I wish you the best with your chosen weight loss method, and, above all, YOU know YOU can do it.

Category: Health And Fitness Tips

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Welcome to my blog site on Health and fitness. I am not a fitness guru, just an ordinary person who, after a bout of bad health realised that there is huge benefits to becoming and staying healthy. Follow along as i go about putting together the best advice and tips that i can give you. You never know we might become friends! Your tips and comments most welcome either on the contact page or direct into the comments section. Stay healthy!