Male Infertility Causes

By | 17 April 2022

Male Infertility Causes

Many people, to this day, still believe that infertility and reproduction issues almost always relate to the woman, although this isn’t the case. Up to 40 percentof infertility cases are diagnosed in men all over the world. Male infertility is caused due to deficiencies in the semen, which can be related to quality, or delivery.

This can be caused by many different conditions, and there also may be no obvious signs or symptoms. The quantity or quality of the sperm will be tested to determine the diagnosis. To the naked eye, the semen may appear normal,and all male functions can be normal including maintaining an erection and ejaculation, even if infertility is present.

There are various reasons for male infertility, from blockages in the tubes leading to the penis to environmental factors. These can cause problems in the transportation of sperm and the production in the testes. Twothirds of men with infertility issues only produce small amounts of sperm or are not able to produce sperm at all.

There are many factors that can play a role in causing male infertility. Some of these factors include:

Transportation issues Moving sperm from the testes to the penis is found to be the cause in 1 in 5 infertile men. These can include blockages in the tubes and men who have had a vasectomy reversal.
Sexual problems – Erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and low sex drive can all be factors stopping conception.
Low hormone levels – This can be caused by hereditary reasons or things like anabolic steroid abuse.
Infection – Infections can cause scarring in the tubes blocking the passageway for the sperm.
Undescended testes – In this condition caused when one or both testes never descend from the abdomen into the scrotum. Men can be born with this condition and with surgery, it can be reversed although the testes may never function properly.
Celiac disease – This disease is caused by gluten in foods. Eliminating gluten from your diet can reverse the effects of infertility.
Previous surgeries – Surgery on the groin, testes, penis or scrotum can cause infertility.

Environmental factors can also play a part in male infertility. Prolonged exposure to certain things including chemicals and excessive heat may reduce the production and functions of the sperm.

Some of these include:

Industrial chemicals – Chemicals like pesticides, benzenes and painting materials may be contributing factors.
X-ray and radiation – These exposures can cause low sperm counts, andhigh exposure can cause permanent damage.
Heavy metals – Lead can cause infertility.
Heat – Exposure to excessive heat including underground mines, spas and saunas can impair the functions and production of sperm.

Conception can take time, sometimes more than a year. This can happen for a number of different reasons. If you are concerned or have been trying for a long period of time a trip to the doctor is the best way to determine why. If you have any of the conditions or factors in your lifestyle, it is important to speak to your doctor and seek treatment.

Infertility can be a stressful time between you and your partner. Help, both physical and emotional is available to you in this hard time through your healthcare system. Surgery or expensive procedures may be necessarily involved to help with reproduction. Some types of male infertility issues may not be preventable or reversible although there are some things you can do to help improve the issues that can.

These include:

Quit smoking
Do not take any recreational drugs
Reduce stress
Limit alcohol consumption
Reduce exposure to negative environmental factors
Avoid from tight clothing and prolonged seating
Physical activity and healthy eating to help lose and maintain weight

Treatments for infertility differ depending on the cause of the case. One in 8 cases of male infertility is treatable and with the help of your doctor conception can be achieved. Some doctors may recommend a course of treatment such as IVF (in vitro fertilization).

This treatment can be expensive although in most cases it is the last resort. IVFwill not cure your infertility although pregnancy can be achieved with one or more treatments.

Other treatments that your doctor may recommend can be:

Surgery – To repair any obstructions in the tubes or reverse vasectomies.
Sexual function – Medication may be available to assist you in any difficulties with sexual functions including erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation.
Hormone treatments – Hormone levels can be restored to normal levels with medication.
Infections – Treating infections with antibiotics may help to reverse certain causes of infertility.

There are home remedies including vitamins and supplements like biotin, zinc,and magnesium that may improve your sperm count. However, it is vital you speak to your doctor if you would like to take a home remedy approach, as there may be risks and when taken in the wrong doses. It is important to speak to your doctor about your symptoms and signs to get the best treatment available for your condition

Category: Health And Fitness Tips

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