Adrenal Fatigue in Women Over 40

By | 21 June 2022

Adrenal Fatigue in Women Over 40

Adrenal fatigue occurs when the adrenal glands are no longer functioning at an optimum level. These little walnut-looking organs basically ‘get smashed’!

Our Powerhouse Adrenal Glands

Our adrenal glands produce and release a cocktail of hormones, often called the ‘stress hormones’, in response to various stimuli, to power up our mind and body when we need that extra energy burst. The adrenals help us to ‘power on’ when we think we can’t go any further, emotionally or physically.

However, we are not designed to deal with these stimuli, or stressors, continually. Ideally, a stressful event should be followed by a period of respite, to allow the system to reset, clear itself, and recover, ready for next time. Today, for many or most adults, there is no respite, and the next stressful event, or thought, comes in on top of the last, compounding it.

How Adrenal Fatigue Develops

Our adrenals keep giving and giving, getting us through, until eventually they have given about all they have to give, and they can no longer keep supplying the quantities of hormones needed to a body that has become resistant to them anyway, due to their ever-presence. Truly, they are fatigued.

Adrenal fatigue is an extremely under-diagnosed condition. Most of the symptoms are not specific to adrenal fatigue; it requires a comprehensive monitoring of symptom clusters to help determine a diagnosis.

Very often the signs and symptoms are generalized as being the result of chronic stress. While stress is certainly the cause of the symptoms, adrenal fatigue is itself a result of that stress.

Once the adrenal glands are compromised, they no longer contribute to helping the body deal with stress, and the effects of stress become more apparent and severe.

Many of the body’s organs are able to heal themselves rapidly when the causative influence is removed or reduced, unfortunately, even under ideal circumstances it can take many months or years for the adrenals to restore themselves.

Life being what it is, this means many people who have adrenal fatigue have it for a long time, as the conditions which caused it continue without respite. Manypeople who are constantly faced with stressful situations and living a hectic lifestyle, possibly have adrenal fatigue.

Other reasons that the poor adrenals can suffer is if a person has poor eating habits, has a substance abuse problem, or health problems such as an infection.

Mature Women and Adrenal Fatigue

So, you are a woman in your 40’s or older. Child-rearing and raising days are over, time to sit back, relax and be cared for by a working partner, right? Maybe, in some other place and time, but not these days. Your 20’s and 30’s may have been stressful, but it hasn’t let up, has it?

Women who are in the perimenopausal stage of their life, or those who are nearing menopause are at a higher risk of experiencing adrenal fatigue.

As a woman enters her new phase of life, her ovaries produce less estrogen, and consequently, there is a decrease in estrogen levels. In addition to helping deal with ‘normal’ life stress, the adrenals begin to work harder to overcome the ovaries lack of estrogen production.

This occurrence can be extremely taxing to the adrenal glands, which is why there is an increased risk of suffering from, or exacerbating, adrenal fatigue at this time of life.

Energy Pattern of a Person Showing Signs of Adrenal Fatigue

Women who have adrenal fatigue may experience extreme tiredness upon waking. They do not feel like waking up or getting up out of bed. They also only feel fully awake after they have been up for a few hours. They may prefer to work late too, as this is when they begin to feel really alert.

Other Common Symptoms:

Reduced tolerance to stress
Craving for salty foods and sweet treats
Being more prone to infections and allergies
Midday energy crash
Difficulties getting a good night sleep
Muscular weakness
Increased lethargy
Experiencing moderate to severe PMS or menopausal symptoms
Feeling anxious and depressed

Not So Common Symptoms:

Oversensitivity to bright sunlight (they prefer to wear dark sunglasses)
Hollow cheeks
Pale lips
Knee or back pain.

Natural Ways to Conquer Adrenal Fatigue

Once you are diagnosed, or recognize that you are suffering from adrenal fatigue, there are steps you can take to repair them, but it is a lifestyle commitment. As much as possible, whatever is contributing to any chronic stress needs to be removed or resolved.

Your diet must be addressed to repair your adrenal glands. Eat plenty of brightly colored vegetables, meat from grass-fed animals, buckwheat, quinoa and lentils. Avoid foods that are laden with sugar and salt.

Foods that contain excellent sources of B vitamins are also essential for energy production. Taking adaptogenic herbs such as ashwaganda and licorice roots can help stimulate and balance your adrenal glands.

It is also vitally important to go to bed early and develop a regular sleeping pattern to repair the disruption of your body’s circadian clock. Early to bed, early to rise is not a trite saying, it is part of a health code



Category: Health And Fitness Tips

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