How Does Exercise Impact Weight Loss?

By | 24 March 2020

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Animation description: In this animation, we discuss the concept of physical activity and exercise as they relate to obesity.
In humans there is a fine balance between energy intake and energy expenditure.
Energy intake is in the form of food, and energy expenditure is in the form of the basal metabolic rate and physical activity.
The difference between energy intake and energy expenditure is the net energy balance. If intake exceeds expenditure, then a net positive energy balance occurs.
Energy expenditure depends on a number of factors.
This includes the starting body weight, the basal metabolic rate and physical activity.
With regards to physical activity, there are several key variables including the frequency, intensity, duration and type of activity done.
Let us now examine energy consumption. One honey glazed donut is shown which has approximately 300 kilocalories.
The energy intake from the consumed donut is equal to the energy consumed by moderate walking for 30-60 minutes, at 3.0 miles per hour.
If an individual walks for an hour at 3 miles per hour.
They will expend approximately 300 kilocalories, the same as what was contained in the consumed donut.
If an individual walks daily for one hour at approximately 3 miles per hour. This type of activity would lead to weight loss. This assumes that the individual does not consume any extra calories and has a net negative energy expenditure.
If this activity continues for a period of two to four months, body weight is reduced as depicted.
The initial weight loss is the result of a negative net energy balance.
The negative energy balance is because energy expenditure exceeds energy intake.
After the initial weight loss, the individual continues to do the same type of exercise, that is, 1 hour of moderate walking daily.
The chart depicts changes in body weight over time.
Individuals are surprised and frustrated that his weight is not continuing to decrease despite regular walking.
They have reached a plateau.
The reason behind the weight loss pleateau is that with decreased body weight, the basal metabolic rate also decreases.
When the basal metabolic rate decreases, there is a decrease in total energy expenditure.
If the discouraged individual quits his daily walking exercise. The weight is gained again, at a quicker pace.
The weight is re-gained as a result of a positive energy balance being created.
Energy expenditure is now less since the physical activity has been stopped.
By keeping the same intensity and duration of walking without making any changes in the diet (energy intake) the man would enter a weight maintenance phase.
This is characterised by gaining a small amount of weight.
The weight maintenance is the result of an energy balance being established within the body, where energy intake essentially equals energy expenditure.
If there is no change in energy balance, there will not be any further change in weight.
What must be done to end the weight loss plateau?
Several options exist to maintain a negative net energy balance. These involve either decreasing energy intake or increasing energy expenditure.
Options include: restricting calories further or increasing the frequency, or the intensity or the duration of the exercise.
In summary then, weight loss plateau’s are expected and can only end with continued exercise and a net negative energy balance.
Stopping exercise or increasing calories will lead to weight gain.
If one continues to exercise to maintain a net negative energy balance weight loss will be promoted.
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20 thoughts on “How Does Exercise Impact Weight Loss?

  1. Pwnerest

    From this video… It almost seems like losing weight/working out/anything physically productive would be a scam, work hard…. cramps…..mood drops….resentment(emotional crap), then to just deal with harder food choices and intense workouts? Thank God I love working out… but from this perspective FAQ Fitness lol.

  2. Thirstyy

    aight I’m starting my journey today boys🐸

  3. Calvin Schmucker

    Excercising without proper nutrition is like trying to build the perfect house without the proper foudation.

  4. Gamer & Architect

    For a donut you should walk one hour , imagine a full meal day (3000kcal) you should walk for around 10 hours a day wtf i will never be fit 😭😭

  5. Molly Smith

    i feel bad for that guy on the video and that just made me sad

  6. 500 days

    I burn 200 calories a day, eat more fruit, and try to put some of my food back. It's a schedule in my book that I follow daily. It is enough to evry so gradually lose weight and I keep it off. Plus, eating fruit rocks!

  7. Robinhood179

    Before Video: Man, I need a few tips to kick-start this diet.
    After Video: ….Ohhhh crap

  8. HealthandFitnessVidz

    Wonderful video. Great explanation well done

  9. Matthew

    Who is this Annett and why does she have so much energy?

  10. Health and fitness product

    Great VIDEO love your content "mechanisms in medicine inc."

  11. Capn Black

    this is wrong. what tells your body too store energy as fat? Tigers dont eat pasta or drink mt.dew

  12. kaynat sheikh

    thyhan for the video….this was one i wanted to know


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